Office Party - Chapter 07 - Part A

Office Party - Chapter 07 - Part A

Description: Watch Office Party - Chapter 07 - Part A on now! - Comic, Hypno, Hypnosis Porn Hello, Hexxet here, With this chapter, we've caught up to the current state of the main story. So, from now on progress will be much slower --> I'm releasing one Page daily for the free version at my deviant Art page: If you like "Office Party" you can always join up at my Patreon site. Progress there is twice as fast (2pages per day) and there are already Chapter 07 B, Chapter 07 C, Chapter 07 D and Chapter 08 A completed. Also, there are side stories if you join on a higher tier. Story Teaser: In Chapter 07 A we are back at the office and are met with a dress-code inspection. Remember the E-Mail from Chapter 05? Stacey has ordered all the females to wear something pink next week and all the males to wear black. Has everyone followed the dress code or does Stacey need to punish somebody? Also, will Isabel break up her "Office Affair" with Dylan? The background of Stacey's suggestions will be revealed in this chapter as well!

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